The Greatest Commandment

Honour your father and your mother. This is the only commandment with promise. This is the  first commandment that enables all types of abuse. This is the first commandment that gets lifted out of context and twisted and manipulated until it is used to treat minors as property and even grown adults as people that owe [...]

Sudden (Stupid) Realisations

So I am starting to write this post on the same day I published my last one. I kind of came home from camp with a lot to say... So congratulations! I actually have content. And yes, that means I just got off my Biblical/love rant and I'm kind of wrung out. But this is [...]

Let it Go

At this point, that song is either loved or hated. Probably mostly hated by this point. Fortunately for myself, I was isolated and so I missed the entirety of the craze. I have never been into the Disney Princesses - I have watched three of the films so far, and only because they weren't the [...]