When the Moon Hits your Eye

I wanted to start a new blog. there are posts on this one that are cringey as hell and that I don't agree with anymore. I wanted to make a fresh start and make a new haven for myself. unfortunately, WordPress has gotten ridiculously complicated and I couldn't figure out how to design a classy [...]

Good Fun, for a Hermit

Isolated. That is what I was for all of my early life. Then there was Bible camp, and then there was TeenPact and then I kind of was less isolated insofar as I cooperated and behaved myself. But most of my time was my own and spent in whatever way I please. There were no [...]

I Will Show You a Better Way

So I just got back from volunteering at a Bible camp. Usually, it is such an awesome experience - something that strengthens me and builds me up. It is always something I look forward to, and something I hope to be able to donate my time to keep it going for many years to come. [...]

Nothing From Nothing?

So I want to write a post. I don't know what to say. My feelings... Do you know what? My paradigm is Protestant. It probably will be for a long while, if not forever. When I am faced with despair, and my life - my point of reference is very Protestant. (for some strange reason...) [...]

So Things Happened…

I dyed my hair a few weeks ago. I know I mentioned it already, but.... I never had a moment where I thought my hair looked bad. I expected to. I mean, I went from dark blonde to really dark brown, but...I never had a moment where I regretted it. I love my hair now [...]