Until Dawn

I don't even know why I watched it. Horror and I do not mix, and it should have been something I immediately removed from my youtube suggestions. See, I was introduced to Markiplier's channel by being suggested to his playthrough of the butterfly effect playstation game Until Dawn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHmW4VBoSis With the quality of the play-through [...]

The Pain is Not Forever

Isn't that what they always say? Isn't that the platitude they tell you - that things will get better, that things have to get better? When? When will things get better? When will this end? Oh, you're only twenty - you're so young! You have your whole life ahead of you! Yes. I know. That's [...]

Playlist of my Life

When I was in the hospital, one of the activities we did was make a soundtrack for our life and design a CD cover for the playlist. I came into that meeting late, and of course coldn't remember any of the songs at first - but I did finally manage to do it. After I [...]

Trigger Warning

So I posted the notice about me going into the hospital late - but I guess it worked out for the best since I didn't inadvertantly terrify anyone when I dropped off the face of planet earth. That being said: I got back on the earth last night! For anyone who hasn't caught on, the [...]

Hell in High Heels

So it is ten in the evening and I am going to have to wake up and be functioning in five hours which is way less sleep than I need to properly function but...what the bloody hell. I have tried for two hours now to go to sleep and if I am going to lay [...]


So do I truly agree with Liberal convictions - are they truly correct and practical - or am I simply in deep denial of my upbringing? There is a book I read when I was much younger called Great Expectations. I didn't understand it then. I didn't know why it was great expectations - it is [...]

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory: you have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story." As writers, it is just another way I can excersise control. I know the plot, I know the characters, and I know what I want to [...]