You Say I’m a Witch Like it’s a Bad Thing

It's an odd thing, to reach the point in life where you realise you are the antithesis to everything you thought you would be at one point. what do you do when you don't recognise anything you have become? it isn't necessarily a bad thing, to reinvent yourself. it can just be quite startling. When [...]

When the Moon Hits your Eye

I wanted to start a new blog. there are posts on this one that are cringey as hell and that I don't agree with anymore. I wanted to make a fresh start and make a new haven for myself. unfortunately, WordPress has gotten ridiculously complicated and I couldn't figure out how to design a classy [...]

I Will Show You a Better Way

So I just got back from volunteering at a Bible camp. Usually, it is such an awesome experience - something that strengthens me and builds me up. It is always something I look forward to, and something I hope to be able to donate my time to keep it going for many years to come. [...]

And One Year Later…

It's been a year since my first time attending Mass. It was odd - the first time I was terrified I wouldn't like it; that God would finally show me the fault in Catholicism.  I didn't know the missal, couldn't follow the songs, had no clue how to sing chants, and generally sat there awkwardly in awe of [...]

Nothing From Nothing?

So I want to write a post. I don't know what to say. My feelings... Do you know what? My paradigm is Protestant. It probably will be for a long while, if not forever. When I am faced with despair, and my life - my point of reference is very Protestant. (for some strange reason...) [...]

So Things Happened…

I dyed my hair a few weeks ago. I know I mentioned it already, but.... I never had a moment where I thought my hair looked bad. I expected to. I mean, I went from dark blonde to really dark brown, but...I never had a moment where I regretted it. I love my hair now [...]

I Survived!

So a week ago, the internet broke. Utterly, completely, thoroughly died. I did NOT die. I survived. I lasted a week with almost no internet and no worse for harm. *grins* We had a day out yesterday. It was long. I was - am - tired. I got got several things I need, several things I [...]