You Can Survive the Recovery

To begin with, I don't do much reading into dreams. I am not the sort of person who believes every dream has great meaning or something. However, I do know that deams are is the bodies way of processing emotions and feelings and events that have happened through the day. Dreaming about something helps put [...]

Playlist of my Life

When I was in the hospital, one of the activities we did was make a soundtrack for our life and design a CD cover for the playlist. I came into that meeting late, and of course coldn't remember any of the songs at first - but I did finally manage to do it. After I [...]

And Once More for Those in the Back

Another year has passed. It has been almost a full two years since I moved out. I didn't make any resolutions this year. Not really. I think I already made my resolution a few months ago when my parents and I tried to come to an agreement - a meeting of minds. So those that [...]

Misplaced Sympathy

We all know my admiration and enjoyment of Sebastian Roche's acting and his characters. I am shameless of it, and I know I might have an idea of him that isn't real - but i don't really care. Maybe it's unhealthy that all of my rolemodels are basically fictional - but again. No cares are [...]


So do I truly agree with Liberal convictions - are they truly correct and practical - or am I simply in deep denial of my upbringing? There is a book I read when I was much younger called Great Expectations. I didn't understand it then. I didn't know why it was great expectations - it is [...]

Train Up a Child in the Way They Should Go

I am not the most technologically adept. Anyone can point this out. I tend to be spacey, and I tend to make the most idiotic of mistakes, and I tend to prefer simplicity. That being said, I have been around certain aspects of technology all my life. Or at least around talk (read: indoctrination...) of [...]

Sudden (Stupid) Realisations

So I am starting to write this post on the same day I published my last one. I kind of came home from camp with a lot to say... So congratulations! I actually have content. And yes, that means I just got off my Biblical/love rant and I'm kind of wrung out. But this is [...]