When the Moon Hits your Eye

I wanted to start a new blog. there are posts on this one that are cringey as hell and that I don't agree with anymore. I wanted to make a fresh start and make a new haven for myself. unfortunately, WordPress has gotten ridiculously complicated and I couldn't figure out how to design a classy [...]

You Can Survive the Recovery

To begin with, I don't do much reading into dreams. I am not the sort of person who believes every dream has great meaning or something. However, I do know that deams are is the bodies way of processing emotions and feelings and events that have happened through the day. Dreaming about something helps put [...]

Playlist of my Life

When I was in the hospital, one of the activities we did was make a soundtrack for our life and design a CD cover for the playlist. I came into that meeting late, and of course coldn't remember any of the songs at first - but I did finally manage to do it. After I [...]

Creativity is an Act of Defiance

What I am going to have to start seriously doing: I have got to start taking my own advice. I have to start fighting for myself. I left my dad. I renounced his way of life. There is no reason to keep holding on to the lies and blocks and restraints he built in my [...]

Misplaced Sympathy

We all know my admiration and enjoyment of Sebastian Roche's acting and his characters. I am shameless of it, and I know I might have an idea of him that isn't real - but i don't really care. Maybe it's unhealthy that all of my rolemodels are basically fictional - but again. No cares are [...]

Hell in High Heels

So it is ten in the evening and I am going to have to wake up and be functioning in five hours which is way less sleep than I need to properly function but...what the bloody hell. I have tried for two hours now to go to sleep and if I am going to lay [...]


So do I truly agree with Liberal convictions - are they truly correct and practical - or am I simply in deep denial of my upbringing? There is a book I read when I was much younger called Great Expectations. I didn't understand it then. I didn't know why it was great expectations - it is [...]

Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story

"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory: you have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story." As writers, it is just another way I can excersise control. I know the plot, I know the characters, and I know what I want to [...]

The Greatest Commandment

Honour your father and your mother. This is the only commandment with promise. This is the  first commandment that enables all types of abuse. This is the first commandment that gets lifted out of context and twisted and manipulated until it is used to treat minors as property and even grown adults as people that owe [...]