Rest in Peace

I lost someone I cared about deeply almost a week ago. She was my friend, my soulmate, and my partner. We weren't sexually compatible, but we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. I helped her, and she helped me. We understood each other, had a lot of the same mental issues. [...]

As We Will so Mote it Be

Paganism is a fascinating difference from Christianity. This isn't to say that the tenets are very different, or the prized humanity so varied. The Golden Rule is called that across the world because of how often it turns up in the morality of humans. And morality itself is a funny topic. Is it really all [...]

Produced by WandaVision!

Okay, so anyone that knows me isn't surprised by this. Of course I am watching the newest MCU television show! To be fair, I wasn't going to watch it because Wanda and Vision aren't really my favourite characters by a longshot, but a friend was confused by the plot so I binged the show to [...]

Over the Hills and Far Away

I don't have good luck with flats. I don't know what it is - well, okay, I do know what it is: I have even worse luck holding down a job, and that impacts my flat because I can't afford rent so I have to move or get evicted and... Oh yeah. And then there [...]

The Ups and Down of Spirits

One of the side effects of leaving Christianity after being raised and brainwashed in it since birth is the little things that crop back up and bother you years later. The little things that don't make sense in hindsight. The inconsistencies and the flat out lies. Like yesterday. I had some spare time where I [...]

You Say I’m a Witch Like it’s a Bad Thing

It's an odd thing, to reach the point in life where you realise you are the antithesis to everything you thought you would be at one point. what do you do when you don't recognise anything you have become? it isn't necessarily a bad thing, to reinvent yourself. it can just be quite startling. When [...]

A Case of Modern Queer Coding

Queer coding. Queerbaiting. those of us in the LGBT spectrum are familiar with this phenomenon. We are used to seeing the only viable representation of ourselves in the faces of those deemed as irredeemable and corrupt. We are used to grasping at straws to find others like us, and we learned to forgive a multitude [...]

Margarita With a Straw

This is an old draft I had sitting around. I am posting it now, unedited. Seems silly, doesn't it. I watched Some Like It Hot the other day, and.... Well, I didn't appreciate the comedy so much as I appreciated the character of Daphne. But the film is meant to be a comedy, and the meaning of the [...]


This is another old blog draft. Posting now unedited. This isn't stupid. Even I, in all of my blind lies, cannot claim this is stupid. This is real. This is hell. This is a pain so deep it feels like it will never stop, and this is a hole that is...aching and will never be [...]